From Likes to Leads: Interact with Customers Online

Weekly challenge 1


Question 1

A marketer creates interactive content for a brand’s Facebook page. Their goal is to promote a product and increase customer engagement. What marketing process did they follow?

1 / 1 point

Interactive product marketing

Social media marketing

Traditional marketing

Brand marketing


Question 2

A marketer aims to tailor their marketing strategy to a specific audience. How might social media help them achieve this goal?

1 / 1 point

It directs an audience to a business’s website to increase purchases.

It allows businesses to share product features and updates with audiences.

It offers valuable insights about a business’s competitors.

It offers valuable insights about an audience’s likes, dislikes, and interests.


Question 3

Fill in the blank: Because people use social media platforms to interact with friends, family, and companies, you can connect with users whenever they log in. This makes social media a natural place to _____.

1 / 1 point

increase sales revenue

gain valuable information

make up lost leads

target new customers


Question 4

According to the five core pillars of social media marketing, what do you identify during the strategy pillar?

1 / 1 point

How to study social media engagement and identify what content is popular with an audience

Which social media platforms and content will work best for a campaign

Which social media analytics tools will measure a campaign’s performance

How to schedule social media posts in advance and maintain a consistent presence online


Question 5

A digital marketer tracks and analyzes conversations to learn what people think of a brand. What core pillar of social media marketing does this describe?

1 / 1 point

Analytics and reporting

Paid social media


Listening and engagement


Question 6

Which of the following is a benefit of paid social media campaigns?

1 / 1 point

Timing and frequency are not factors to consider in paid social media

Paid social media tracks audiences online and monitors their conversations

Customer service questions and concerns generally decrease with paid social media

Paid social media generally reaches a broader audience than organic posts


Question 7

Which of the following is true about earned, owned, and paid media?

1 / 1 point

When used together, each type of media can improve brand awareness, generate leads, and increase sales.

User-generated content, such as videos, images, and reviews, is common in earned, owned, and paid media.

Earned, owned, and paid media refer to the digital content a brand fully controls, such as its website.

When used together instead of separately, each type of media does not require paid promotion.


Question 8

What platforms can a business use to generate owned media?

1 / 1 point

Blog sites, community forums, and Facebook or Instagram profiles

Image ads, video ads, and story ads

Customer reviews, testimonials, and other user-generated content

Shares, retweets, and likes


Question 9

What is a benefit of owned media?

1 / 1 point

It promotes user-generated content related to the company.

It allows a company to control the conversation surrounding their brand on social media.

It incentivizes customers to market a company’s brand on social media.

It enables a company’s brand to reach consumers who are not actively searching for them.


Question 10

Consider the following scenario:

Potential customers are searching for more information to help them decide whether or not to make a purchase. They may be looking for reviews or comparing the company’s offerings to other competitors.

What action should the company take to set their brand apart from the competition?

1 / 1 point

Provide potential customers with more detailed information about the brand

Develop social media content that relates to the purchases potential customers have already made

Capture product sales of potential customers who fit the target audience

Nurture relationships with potential customers, so the company can remain in their minds

Weekly challenge 2


Question 1

Fill in the blank: By defining the goals of your social media campaign, you make yourself _____.

1 / 1 point

free from any responsibilities

accountable for accomplishing them

appealing to your audience

likely to take risks


Question 2

What questions help to identify a target audience’s needs? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

What issues do customers have that our products or services could help solve?

How often do customers shop online?

What problems are customers struggling with?

What do customers do in their free time?


Question 3

Fill in the blank: To help a company choose the right social media platform, they need to start by understanding _____.

1 / 1 point

costs associated with each platform

the diversity of the users

the variety of advertisements on each platform

how different platforms work


Question 4

A marketer posts amusing and interesting memes that help audiences relate to a brand. What type of content is this?

1 / 1 point

Entertaining content

Promotional content

Inspirational content

Conversational content


Question 5

Which of the following are examples of educational content? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

How-to posts

Industry research

Viral videos

Case studies


Question 6

A marketer suggests topics or viewpoints, then invites the audience to join the discussion on social media. What type of content is this?

1 / 1 point

Educational content

Promotional content

Conversational content

Entertaining content


Question 7

Which of the following are examples of content formats for social media? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point



Written posts

Discount codes


Question 8

For algorithm-based platforms, why is it better to publish quality content less frequently?

1 / 1 point

Fewer posts are easier to develop.

Too many posts can cause a drop in engagement.

Singular posts always stand out to users.

Too few posts create demand and user interest.


Question 9

A digital marketer schedules posts in advance and organizes content in a centralized location. What tool enables them to do this?

1 / 1 point

A reviewable feed of all posts

A social media calendar

A shared media log

An editable document


Question 10

A digital marketer decides which data to track and establishes a workflow and review process. What does this process refer to?

1 / 1 point

Developing a social media calendar

Reviewing former platforms

Reviewing expired user metrics

Developing social media assets

Weekly challenge 3


Question 1

What is a benefit of monitoring customers’ online conversations about a brand?

1 / 1 point

It helps encourage customers to share their thoughts on social media.

It helps send bulk emails asking customers to share a review.

It helps address negative feelings customers might have about a brand.

It helps gather information about customer demographics.


Question 2

A digital marketer identifies how people think about a brand with the goal of engaging them effectively. Which process can they use to find this customer information?

1 / 1 point

Social searching

Social tracking

Social listening

Social testing


Question 3

What information does a business typically gather when tracking its social media engagement?

1 / 1 point

The number of customers who sign up for its email newsletter after interacting with its social media accounts

The way customers interact with the business on social media and whether its content is useful to the customers

The way customers interact with its competitors on social media and whether the customers will purchase from the business again

The number of touchpoints customers interact with on social media before purchasing from the business


Question 4

Which of the following refers to the relationship between social listening and social media engagement?

1 / 1 point

Social media engagement analyzes conversation and trends about a business and its industry. Social listening measures how much money customers spend on a brand.

Social listening analyzes conversations and trends about a business’s competitors. Social media engagement measures how people interact with the competitor on social media.

Social listening tracks customer spending over a certain period. Social media engagement measures how many customer service queries are made during that period.

Social listening analyzes conversations and trends about a business and its industry. Social media engagement measures how people interact with a brand on social media.


Question 5

Why is showing images or videos of employees an effective social media engagement strategy?

1 / 1 point

It helps customers know what to purchase.

It helps customers imagine what it might be like to work for the brand.

It helps a brand seem more personable and relatable.

It keeps customers from purchasing products from competitors.


Question 6

Fill in the blank: Any message posted to Twitter that may contain elements like text, photos, videos, links, and audio is called a _____.

1 / 1 point






Question 7

Which of the following are characteristics of an effective Twitter bio? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Captures the brand’s personality

Includes product list and pricing

Describes products and services

Includes keywords


Question 8

A marketer compiles a list of high-performing posts, images, videos, and text. Why should they consider repurposing this content?

1 / 1 point

It allows them to store the content in a portfolio for future inspiration.

It allows them to adapt and publish the content in different formats.

It allows them to use the content as is and repost it on social media platforms.

It allows them to compare the content to their competitors’ high-performing posts.


Question 9

How can a digital marketer maintain a consistent brand voice across all marketing channels?

1 / 1 point

Create brand voice guidelines to describe how the brand should be presented in writing

Use industry terminology, acronyms, and jargon to communicate professionally

Use one tone of voice across all platforms, even if the audience or the tone of the platform is different

Ask customers to complete a form to choose the tone of voice they prefer on each platform


Question 10

Fill in the blank: An instruction that tells the customer what to do next is called _____.

1 / 1 point

call to action

brand voice



Weekly challenge 4


Question 1

What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data?

1 / 1 point

Qualitative data is collected after launching a social media campaign. Quantitative data is collected before launching a social media campaign.

Quantitative data is collected after launching a social media campaign. Qualitative data is collected before launching a social media campaign.

Quantitative data describes qualities or characteristics. Qualitative data can be counted or compared on a numeric scale.

Qualitative data describes qualities or characteristics. Quantitative data can be counted or compared on a numeric scale.


Question 2

A company launches a social media campaign for its new service. What tool can help them  measure the campaign’s traffic and sales on different platforms?

1 / 1 point

Qualitative analytics 

Social media analytics

Traffic analytics 

Customer analytics 


Question 3

Imagine that a company launches a social media campaign. They monitor engagement to determine whether images, videos, or links do better on particular platforms. What benefit of social media analytics does this describe? 

1 / 1 point

The ability to learn what content drives results

The ability to predict behavior 

The ability to learn from your competitors

The ability to improve your strategy 


Question 4

What can you use to measure progress toward a goal?

0 / 1 point

Social media metrics

Marketing funnels

Campaign timelines 

Customer feedback 


Question 5

A marketer would like to monitor brand awareness across social media platforms. Which of the following metrics will help with measuring brand awareness?

1 / 1 point

Number of mentions, retweets, and referrals 

Number of testimonials, assessments, and interviews  

Number of shares, mentions, and impressions

Number of reviews, comments, and endorsements


Question 6

Imagine that a marketer tracks shares and retweets across social media. They spot an emerging trend that their audience is sharing posts about. How should they use this information? 

1 / 1 point

Develop content aligned with this trend later, after updating social media marketing goals

Create real-time marketing content aligned with this emerging trend

Learn if competitors are responding to this trend and whether their content is successful

Identify and track new metrics that better align with their current marketing content


Question 7

What is a social media key performance indicator (KPI) used to assess? 

1 / 1 point

Whether a marketer is tracking the most relevant social media metrics

Whether a social media campaign’s goals are relevant

Whether a social media marketing strategy is effective

Whether a social media campaign has had a sufficient return on investment


Question 8

Consider the following scenario: 

Imagine that a marketer is preparing a social media report. They consider who will read the report and align the report to the needs of that group. The marketer includes information that the group wants to know and adjusts the level of detailed data on specific items accordingly. 

What social media reporting practice does this describe?

1 / 1 point

Delivering the report with the right frequency 

Tailoring the report to the audience

Reporting on key performance indicators

Emphasizing campaign highlights


Question 9

Which of the following will help an audience understand the information in a report?

1 / 1 point

Using fewer words to tell the story

Visualizing data with charts or graphs

Highlighting sections with bright colors

Creating a lengthy report 


Question 10

When you deliver a social media report presentation, you should remember to connect with your audience. What does this mean?

0 / 1 point

Be prepared to share only important points should an unexpected event occur 

Share your excitement, and include a surprising statistic or favorable customer review 

Adjust the discussion according to what is most important to the audience

Briefly pause between each slide and speak in slow, easy-to-understand sentences 

Weekly challenge 5


Question 1

Fill in the blank: _____ involves displaying paid ads or sponsored marketing messages on social media platforms to target a specific audience.

1 / 1 point

User-based social media

Borrowed social media

Organic social media

Paid social media


Question 2

Consider the following scenario:

A customer notices a company’s ad on their social media profile of a pair of shoes that they had just been checking out on that company’s website. As a result, that pair of shoes is more likely to be in the customer’s mind when they go to make a purchase. This outcome is one of the benefits of using paid social media.

What is this benefit called?

1 / 1 point






Question 3

Fill in the blank: You can use _____ to boost top-performing organic content, so it reaches more people.

1 / 1 point

funds from your paid media budget

funds from your organic media budget

remarketing tactics

videos and static images


Question 4

How can paid social media help a company increase conversions?

1 / 1 point

By creating user-generated content that nurtures relationships with potential customers

By remarketing ads to reach people who are familiar with the company

By hiding ads from competitors

By placing ads on a single platform


Question 5

Why is setting the objective important in developing a paid social media campaign? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Helps guide users to a company’s end goal

Determines how much product a company will sell

Ensures a company is tracking the right metrics

Establishes the types of influencers a company attracts


Question 6

What should a company consider when deciding which social media platforms to use for their campaign? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Platforms that offer the most competition for a company

Platforms that a company is familiar with

Platforms that a company has an established audience on

Platforms that a company has not advertised on


Question 7

As a digital marketer develops a paid social media strategy, they need to consider the budget of their campaign. To help determine the budget, what should they research?

0 / 1 point

The average advertising cost for each platform

The cost of buying influencer-generated content

The typical investment their competitors make in their campaigns

The most cost-effective or free-use platforms


Question 8

What are best practices of a remarketing strategy? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Untag visitors who have purchased

Post ads on multiple platforms

Limit frequency of ads

Personalize ads


Question 9

What do the goals you set in a paid social media strategy help with?

0 / 1 point

The monthly asset list

The marketing strategy

The business goals

The social media advertising budget


Question 10

What are the most common bidding strategies? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Cost-per-click (CPC)

Cost-per-platform (CPP)

Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM)

Cost-per-action (CPA)

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