Think Outside the Inbox: Email Marketing

Weekly challenge 1


Question 1

Fill in the blank: Email marketing is the process of sending messages to a list of existing subscribers to _____.

1 / 1 point

establish a brand voice

gain followers on social media platforms

share useful insights about customer behaviors and interactions

share information, drive sales, or create community


Question 2

The fact that 50% of people use the same email for ten years or more reflects which success factor of email marketing?

1 / 1 point



Number of email users

Ease of use


Question 3

Email marketers can expect that for every dollar they spend on email marketing, they will earn 42 dollars. This best describes what concept?

1 / 1 point

Narrative context

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Return on investment (ROI)

Key performance indicator (KPI)


Question 4

While creating an email marketing strategy, you conduct an analysis to identify the brand’s core strengths and mission. What analysis helps you learn more about the brand?

1 / 1 point

PESTLE audit

BRAND audit

SMART audit

SWOT audit


Question 5

Imagine a company is creating an email campaign for an app-based tech company. What kind of goal should the company set to grow their brand?

0 / 1 point

SMART goal

START goal


BRAND goal


Question 6

Fill in the blank: When setting a goal, it is important to consider who is involved, the reason or purpose behind it, and the requirements and constraints. This helps to ensure the goal is _____.

1 / 1 point



time bound



Question 7

Which of the following statements is considered a don’t when it comes to email marketing? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Stick to one length and format without testing

Send the same emails to every single subscriber

Send spam emails

Prioritize quality over quantity


Question 8

Which of the following statements best describes why segmenting your email subscriber list is important?

1 / 1 point

It allows you to send the same emails to every subscriber.

It ensures a broad recipient list receives your emails.

It helps you keep your customers’ attention.

It allows you to target tailored emails to specific people.


Question 9

Which of the following are effective ways to segment email marketing lists to ensure specific customers enjoy marketing emails? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Segment by timezone

Segment by gender

Segment by birth month

Segment by name


Question 10

A digital marketer creates monthly emails with interesting stories their subscribers enjoy reading. What email marketing best practice does the marketer use?

1 / 1 point

Focus on delivering quality content instead of frequent content

Send the same email to all email subscribers

Use segmentation to personalize their emails

Prioritize appearing in inboxes and reminding customers of their brand

Weekly challenge 2


Question 1

Which of the following are examples of content you would likely find in an email for a furniture company’s marketing campaign? Select all that apply.

0.5 / 1 point

An email asking a customer “How was shopping with us?” with a scale from 1 to 10 for customers to rate the experience.

A collection of pictures of the company picnic attached to an employee email.

The headline “For The Remote Worker” along with an image of an office chair and a link to a landing page where customers can purchase the chair.

The subject line “Discount Code For 20% Off Inside!” for a new promotion on desks.


Question 2

Imagine that a cosmetics company shares an interactive email inviting potential new customers to match products to suit their own skincare needs. What is this an example of?

0 / 1 point

Discount code

Educational email

External resource

Acquisition email


Question 3

Why do marketers send welcome emails in the consideration stage of the marketing funnel?

1 / 1 point

Because users have made a purchase and may be interested in promotional offers

Because users are unfamiliar with the business and do not know what they are searching for

Because users are regular customers who want to read interesting stories about the business

Because users have subscribed to the business’s marketing emails and are interested in more information


Question 4

Which of the following marketing emails should include mentions of trending topics, pop culture, or current events?

1 / 1 point

Retention email

Acquisition email


Feedback email


Question 5

Which type of emails get the word out about special offers, limited time deals, or exclusive content?

1 / 1 point

Customer emails

Promotional emails

Acquisition emails

Launch emails


Question 6

What type of follow-up email can a company send to a customer who selects a product but does not purchase it?

1 / 1 point

Cart abandonment email

Promotional email

Acquisition email

Feedback email


Question 7

A marketer sends follow-up emails to customers after they make a purchase. What do they ask customers to do in the follow-up email?

1 / 1 point

Confirm when they will order from the business again

Buy again, using a promotion included in the email

Provide feedback on their shopping experience

Share their social media usernames


Question 8

Which of the following types of email fall into the consideration bucket of the marketing funnel? Select all that apply.

0.5 / 1 point

Promotional emails


Retention emails

This should not be selected

Welcome emails


Question 9

Fill in the blank: The text in the main content of an email is called email _____.

1 / 1 point






Question 10

Fill in the blank: A subtle button in a welcome email that says “Get Started” is an example of _____.

1 / 1 point

a newsletter

an email body

a virtual first impression

a call to action

Weekly challenge 3


Question 1

As a digital marketer, you are building an email list for an upcoming campaign. How can you use search engine marketing to help build your list?

1 / 1 point

Customer addresses

Website prompts and customer surveys

Customer surveys

 Likes and follows


Question 2

What is the practice of dividing an email subscriber list into smaller groups based on criteria like interest, location, or purchase history?

1 / 1 point






Question 3

As a digital marketer, you segment your email list according to spending habits, browsing habits, and brand loyalty. What are these characteristics referred to as?

1 / 1 point

Psychographic data

Geography data

Behavioral data

Demographic data


Question 4

As a digital marketer writing an email, what question should you consider to help write the body text?

0 / 1 point

What should the reader know before clicking on the email?

Why should the reader open the email?

What should the reader do after reading the email?

How does this content help the reader?


Question 5

Fill in the blank: In email writing, you should always address your readers by using _____ language. This point of view is used for giving directions, offering advice, or providing an explanation.

1 / 1 point

fourth person

second person

third person

first person


Question 6

Which of the following is true regarding using automation in email marketing?

1 / 1 point

You can only use it to track engagement of each subscriber.

You can only use it to send automatic welcome messages.

You can only use it to segment your list.

You can use it to assist with multiple tasks.


Question 7

Which of the following are examples of email marketing tools? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Search Console





Question 8

As a digital marketer, you accidentally send an email to a group of non-customers instead of to a group of previous customers. This is an example of what email marketing mistake?

1 / 1 point

Sending to the wrong segmented list

Sending a broken link

Sending with personalization mistakes

Sending duplicate emails


Question 9

Mistakes happen in email marketing, such as sending an email to the incorrect segmented list. What process can marketers follow to prevent mistakes from happening?

1 / 1 point

Quality send

Quality planning

Quality review

Quality control


Question 10

How can marketers set the tone of an email marketing campaign?

1 / 1 point

Consider the reader’s perspective and ask what kind of narrative they prefer

Ask why they are sending an email in the first place

Reflect on the purpose and narrative and what voice aligns with it

Add details such as who came up with the idea for the product

Weekly challenge 4


Question 1

A marketer works with data and metrics. Which of the following refers to the relationship between data and metrics?

0 / 1 point

Metrics are numbers, and data is the qualitative measurement of metrics.

Data is a number, and metrics are the qualitative measurement of data.

Data is a number, and metrics are the quantitative measurement of data.

Metrics are numbers, and data is the quantitative measurement of metrics.


Question 2

Which question should you ask to determine which metrics should be KPIs?

1 / 1 point

Which metrics should we prioritize for success?

Which metrics are trending in our industry?

Which metrics cost the most to track?

Which metrics cost the least to track?


Question 3

What metric is calculated by dividing the number of people who opened the email by the number who received the email?

1 / 1 point

Unsubscribe rate

Conversion rate

Open rate

Click-to-open rate


Question 4

A digital marketer calculates the percentage of email recipients who clicked on one or more links in an email out of the total number of unique opens. What metric is this?

1 / 1 point

Open rate

Conversion rate

Subscribe rate

Click-to-open rate


Question 5

After emailing their subscriber list, a marketer divides the total number of undelivered emails by the number of emails sent, multiplied by 100. What metric are they calculating?

1 / 1 point

Email bounce rate

Email spam rate

Email denied rate

Email complaint rate


Question 6

How do you calculate the conversion rate of an email?

1 / 1 point

Total ad interactions / number of people who opened the email

Number of conversions / total ad interactions

Number of people who opened the email / total ad interactions

Total ad interactions / number of conversions


Question 7

What is the calculation for return on investment (ROI)?

1 / 1 point

(total revenue x total spent) / (100)

(total revenue / total spent) x 100

(total spent / total revenue) x 100

(total spent x 100) / (total revenue)


Question 8

As a digital marketer, you are calculating your email list growth rate for the past month. The list gained 1,729 new subscribers. It had 245 unsubscribes. The list total is 76,921 subscribers. How do you calculate the list growth rate for the past month?

1 / 1 point

[(1,729 – 245) / 76,921] x 100

[(76,921 – 245) / 1,729] x 100

[(245 – 1,729) / 76,921] x 100

[(76,921 – 1,729) / 245] x 100


Question 9

Which of the following are recommendations for the email marketing report? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Make the presentation more visual with graphs and charts.

Include a collection of KPIs that represent the campaign’s progress.

Include jargon and technical language to display expertise.

Exclude mentioning areas for improvement to keep the presentation positive.


Question 10

When giving a presentation on email marketing metrics, you stop speaking after you pose a question to the audience and when you transition to a new section. Which tip for presenting does this represent?

1 / 1 point

Be concise

Know your audience

Tell a story

Allow for pauses

Weekly challenge 5


Question 1

Consider the following SMART goal:

Use the email marketing software to remove all list subscribers that have not opened a message in over six months by March 31st.

What part of the goal is time-based?

1 / 1 point

“remove all list subscribers”

“that have not opened a message in over six months”

“by March 31st”

“Use the email marketing software”


Question 2

Which of the following SMART goals are measurable?

0 / 1 point

Remove all list subscribers by the end of the month

Increase revenue in six months

Gain new followers by March 20th

Use email marketing software for the campaign


Question 3

A marketer creates a SMART goal for an upcoming social media campaign. Why is it important for a SMART goal to be specific?

1 / 1 point

It has evidence to prove whether it was successful or not.

It allows you to track and measure the goal along the way.

It matches the organization’s needs and priorities.

It allows you to know if you’ve achieved it.


Question 4

As a digital marketer for a pet supplies business, you are segmenting your email list to send more relevant emails to customers. Which of the following questions would help you segment by psychographic characteristics? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

What type of pet do you own?

Do you make your pet’s food?

What city do you live in?

Do you use toys to play with your pet?


Question 5

As a digital marketer for a sportswear brand, you are segmenting your email list to reach couples between the ages of 25-45 who can afford to pay for monthly fitness programs.

What did you segment this list according to?

1 / 1 point

Geographic factors

Demographic data

Psychographic characteristics

Behavioral data


Question 6

As a digital marketer for a wellness brand, you are segmenting your email list to reach customers who frequently shop online and try new online stores. What did you use to segment this list?

1 / 1 point

Behavioral data

Demographic data

Psychographic characteristics

Geographic characteristics


Question 7

A marketer creates an email. Why should they include body copy?

0 / 1 point

To encourage readers to make a purchase

To tell readers what you are offering

To describe how the content helps the reader

To highlight the features instead of the benefits


Question 8

A digital marketer monitors an email list to determine the rate at which the list grows. They count 1,706 new subscribers and 91 unsubscribes. The total number of email addresses on the list is 10,100. How would they calculate the list’s growth rate?

1 / 1 point

[(1,706 – 91) / 10,100] x 100

[(10,100 – 1,706) / 91] x 100

[(91 – 1,706) / 10,100] x 100

[(10,100 – 91) / 1,706] x 100


Question 9

In your last email send, you delivered 23,019 emails with 3,162 ad clicks and 771 conversions. How would you calculate the email conversion rate?

1 / 1 point

3,162 / 23,019 (ad clicks / emails sent)

771 / 3,162 (conversions / ad clicks)

23,019 / 3,162 (emails sent / ad clicks)

3,162 / 771 (ad clicks / conversions)


Question 10

A digital marketer delivers 510,00 emails for an email marketing campaign. The emails received 180,32 unique opens and 20,554 clicks. How would they calculate the click-to-open rate?

1 / 1 point

510,00 / 20,554 (emails delivered / total clicks)

20,554 / 510,00 (total clicks / emails delivered)

180,32 / 20,554 (unique opens / total clicks)

20,554 / 180,32 (total clicks / unique opens)

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Email của bạn sẽ không được hiển thị công khai. Các trường bắt buộc được đánh dấu *