Attract and Engage Customers with Digital Marketing

Weekly challenge 1


Question 1

Which of the following is a benefit of creating a customer persona and identifying who your customer is?

1 / 1 point

It makes it easier to create generalized content.

It makes it easier to create customized content for them.

It guarantees that they will buy from you.

It helps you understand the business’s perspective.


Question 2

What is the first thing you should do when collecting information for your customer persona?

1 / 1 point

Visit social media

Review customer data

Email customers asking them for information

Identify customer pain points


Question 3

Consider the following customer persona:

A 38-year-old woman who exercises regularly and would like to shop at a health-conscious grocery store.

What component of the customer persona is missing?

1 / 1 point






Question 4

Which of the following statements is true regarding a marketing funnel?

1 / 1 point

The marketing funnel is a framework that may be different depending on the business.

The marketing funnel helps decrease the conversion rate.

There is only one type of marketing funnel.

The marketing funnel considers the seller’s journey.


Question 5

Which of the following best describes a customer who is in the consideration stage?

1 / 1 point

They share how great the product is with friends on social media.

They already know about the product, and they want to learn more.

They post positive reviews about the product online.

They don’t know anything about the product.


Question 6

Which statements best describe strategies and tactics? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Strategies support the plan to achieve the marketing goal and tend to be more general ideas.

Tactics are actions taken to make the plan happen.

Tactics support the plan to achieve the marketing goal and tend to be more general ideas.

Strategies are actions taken to make the plan happen.


Question 7

How does social media marketing help you build awareness?

1 / 1 point

It targets potential customers based on what videos they’ve watched.

It puts display ads on websites your potential customers are visiting.

It introduces your brand to new people when a follower shares a post on their page.

It makes the checkout process easier for customers.


Question 8

As a digital marketer, you encourage customers to leave a review and share their experience with the business. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

1 / 1 point






Question 9

Which of the following strategies motivates a potential customer to make a purchase in the conversion stage?

1 / 1 point

Comment and tag customers on social media

Share a downloadable e-book with customers

Add a chatbot to the website to answer questions

Rewrite the homepage of the website


Question 10

As a digital marketer, you create an automated email sequence for potential customers. The email sequence will go out to people who sign up through the website. The emails will provide more information about your products and a discount code for their first purchase. This strategy falls under which marketing funnel stage?

0 / 1 point





Weekly challenge 2


Question 1

The Google search engine delivers relevant content for a user’s query. This represents which main process of a search engine?

1 / 1 point






Question 2

What best describes a search algorithm?

1 / 1 point

Automated software that requires users to discover information through categories.

Semi-automated software that crawls the Internet for new data.

Manual software that requires users to locate information in the search engine.

Automated software that helps locate information to answer a user’s query.


Question 3

To rank search listings, the Google algorithm tries to understand the words typed in a search bar. It also tries to understand the general intent behind the search. This represents which results key factor?

1 / 1 point

Relevancy of webpages

Meaning of the query

Usability of webpages

Quality of the content


Question 4

Which search engine results pages (SERPs) feature displays a special box with information intended to help the searcher more easily discover what they are seeking?

1 / 1 point

Rich results

Local results

Featured snippet



Question 5

Technical website development is a task involved with search engine optimization. What does this task include?

0 / 1 point

Tasks that ensure a website is well-organized and that it is easily crawled by search engines

Tasks related to hosting, webpage redirects, error pages, or use of JavaScript

Creating content such as text, videos, and photos that address the user’s search intent

Finding terms and phrases that potential customers are typing into search engines


Question 6

One of the pre-SEO factors to consider is “brainstorming content for people first.” What does this include?

1 / 1 point

Set clear goals for the organization

Create better content than your competition by studying what they’ve created and what is available in search results

Understand the people who are reading and experiencing your content

Prioritize what the searcher needs from their query instead of what is in the search results


Question 7

Which of the following statements regarding keywords is true?

1 / 1 point

Keyword stuffing provides a positive user experience and typically benefits a website’s ranking.

Keyword research is done after creating content.

The keyword research process varies depending on the organization you work for.

Tools are a distraction to the keyword research process.


Question 8

Which of the following is true regarding a website’s structure and navigation?

1 / 1 point

It is best to have several pages that are not internally linked.

A website’s structure should be at least five layers.

Whenever possible, use https:// and not http:// when creating new webpages.

A higher bounce rate typically leads to more conversions.


Question 9

Fill in the blank: Visitors should be able to tell where a link will take them when they click on the _____.

1 / 1 point

menu bar

social media icons

home page



Question 10

What file provides information about the pages, videos, and other files on your site, and the relationship between them?

1 / 1 point

Meta description



Structured data

Weekly challenge 3


Question 1

As a digital marketer creating a webpage, you collaborate with someone who is knowledgeable in the topic you are writing about. You list them publicly as a co-contributor. This represents which website optimization recommendation?

1 / 1 point

Provide an appropriate amount of content for your subject.

Make expertise and authoritativeness clear.

Know what visitors want and give it to them.

Make the website useful and interesting.


Question 2

How can good anchor text help you implement SEO for your website?

1 / 1 point

Good anchor text relies on the number of links rather than the quality of the links to the website

It allows you to link to sites that are reputable but do not include information you want to endorse

It informs search engines not to associate your website with the site you’re linking to

Good anchor text helps visitors navigate your site and helps Google understand what the page you’re linking to is about


Question 3

How can a digital marketer create a great user experience with a website’s images? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Ensure images are load properly on the computer, tablet, and mobile

Write alt text that uses multiple keywords

Prioritize the size of the images over the quality of the images on the website

Include a caption with any images


Question 4

What recommendation will help a marketer create effective web page titles?

1 / 1 point

A page title should repeat relevant keywords.

A page title should be long and descriptive.

A page title should be used for more than one web page.

A page title should relate to the content on the page.


Question 5

Which of the following is true about web page meta descriptions?

0 / 1 point

Using duplicate meta descriptions instead of unique descriptions may cause search engines to delete the website.

There is no minimum or maximum length for a meta description, but it should include all the relevant information a searcher needs.

Meta descriptions should be created manually for small or large websites and cannot be generated automatically.

Search engines do not include duplicate meta descriptions in search results pages even if they are relevant.


Question 6

You are interested in displaying interactive features and product pricing in your search results. What can you add to your website to achieve this goal?

1 / 1 point

Structured data

Unique data

Snippet data

Search data


Question 7

Which of the following is true regarding sitemaps?

1 / 1 point

It is a best practice to submit a sitemap to improve the crawling process.

Popular website platforms typically do not create and submit a sitemap automatically.

Sitemaps are primarily submitted for visitor ease-of-use and not for search engines.

It is particularly important to submit a sitemap if the website is under 100 pages.


Question 8

According to the beginner steps for Google Search Console, what happens immediately after verifying a website’s ownership?

1 / 1 point

Search Console identifies issues that affect the user experience and how to fix them

Search Console provides an overview of all the pages Google indexed

Search Console creates a sitemap to help Google crawl the site

Search Console starts to collect data and the user gains full access to the tool


Question 9

What information does the Links report share about a company’s website?

1 / 1 point

Which websites link to theirs, what the link text is, and what their top-linked pages are

Spikes in errors or drops in index counts that identify crawling problems

Why certain pages on the website could or could not be indexed or crawled

If the website tried to manipulate the search index with keyword stuffing


Question 10

Which of the following is true about the sitemaps report in Google Search Console?

1 / 1 point

The sitemaps report reveals errors on the page, such as HTML or JavaScript code errors, that you will need to address.

It allows you to determine which sitemaps have been submitted for your website and access relevant statistics.

If you move your website from one domain to another, you need to inform Google Search by using the sitemaps report.

It allows you to temporarily block pages on your sitemap and manage SafeSearch filtering.

Weekly challenge 4


Question 1

A marketer posts an ad that quickly appears in the search results pages. What does this refer to?

0 / 1 point

An advantage of search engine marketing

An advantage of advertising pay models

An advantage of Pay-per-click (PPC)

An advantage of search engine optimization


Question 2

A marketer is interested to learn which content is performing well and which can be improved. How does search engine marketing enable them to do this?

1 / 1 point

It allows them to quickly appear in the search results pages and build enough authority or reputation to receive traffic

It gives them the control over which page displays in the search engine for a given search

It allows them to have a website, app, or product display in the SERPs when someone types in a certain searches

It allows them to drive traffic to specific webpages on a website to collect data and learn which ads are driving sales


Question 3

What information does an ad extension include?

1 / 1 point

A link to find a business on Google Maps

A link to call a business instantly

Additional website links, a phone number, or an address

Additional products and images related to the search


Question 4

There are specific steps to creating a Google ad, such as setting up conversions. What typically happens at the setting up conversions step?

1 / 1 point

You learn if potential customers are becoming paying customers by tracking their actions

You set an average daily budget that specifies how much you want to spend each day

You choose a bidding strategy to ensure that your campaign will meet your specific goal

You target and define how narrow or broad your audience targeting will be


Question 5

Which of the following refers to the exact keyword match type?

0 / 1 point

It shows your ads on phrases that relate to your keyword and may not include the keyword itself

It includes the meaning of your keyword and is more flexible than the broad match type

It may show your ads on searches that have the same meaning or intent as the keyword

It may not include the keyword itself and shows your ads to related keywords


Question 6

Which statement regarding Ad Rank factors is true?

1 / 1 point

Google does not factor in the landing page quality.

You should avoid using extensions.

There are only two factors to consider.

The higher the bid, the higher the ad may show in the SERPs.


Question 7

As a digital marketer, you will consider several best practices when creating effective ads. Which of the following is a Google ad best practice?

1 / 1 point

Use all ad extensions, whether they are relevant or not

Always use the website homepage as the landing page for ads

Include generic sales language, such as “call us today” or ““sign up today”

Use relatable calls to action, such as “book your dream vacation”


Question 8

Which of the following is true of responsive display ads?

1 / 1 point

They typically reach more websites than a standard Google Ad.

They cannot include videos.

They are optimized manually by the digital marketer.

They often take more time to create.


Question 9

To ensure a cohesive customer experience for a responsive display ad, what best practice should the landing page follow?

1 / 1 point

The use of new ads prevent potential customers from developing ad fatigue.

The messaging on the landing page should match the messaging on the ad.

The messaging on the landing page should be different to the messaging on the ad.

The headline should be clear and effective without the support of a description.


Question 10

Fill in the blank: Ad _____ are a set of ad groups that share a budget, location targeting, and other settings.

1 / 1 point





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