Foundations of Digital Marketing and E-commerce

Weekly challenge 1


Question 1

What is a digital marketing channel?

1 / 1 point

The practice of reaching consumers online through digital channels

Any communication method or platform a business can use to reach its target audience online

 The buying and selling of goods and services online

A physical storefront


Question 2

There are several advantages of digital marketing. Which of the following applies? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

It reaches more people

It produces slower results

It is more convenient than storefront sales

It is cost-effective


Question 3

With digital marketing, you can provide customers personalized communication directly through channels such as email and social media. Which advantage of digital marketing does this represent?

1 / 1 point

Build relationships with customers

Create brand recognition

Measure results easily

Get faster results


Question 4

Fill in the blank: It is helpful to specialize in a marketing role that aligns with your _____. 

1 / 1 point






Question 5

What best describes the skill of data storytelling as a digital marketer or e-commerce analyst?

1 / 1 point

Communicate data insights effectively to engage an audience.

Collect and organize information to spot patterns, uncover trends, and solve problems.

Seek out answers about people—what they want, how they think, and what motivates them to take action.

Use data insights to adapt to new situations.


Question 6

Why should you create a portfolio?

1 / 1 point

To show a letter of recommendation from past employers

To show samples of your past work and relevant work experience

To list your previous job titles

To use as an application form for a job


Question 7

Consider this scenario:

A recent graduate enjoys a stable working environment and decides to specialize in a specific industry. They want to avoid unpredictable requests from clients and long working hours.

Which type of role should they consider?

1 / 1 point

An in-house role

A staffing firm role

An agency role

An internship


Question 8

Consider this scenario:

A recent graduate has decided on a career path. They want to work in a role that partners with multiple companies to help achieve their digital marketing and advertising goals. 

Which type of role should they consider?

1 / 1 point

An agency role

An in-house role 

Full-time employment

An internship


Question 9

Setting marketing goals and KPIs, assisting on ongoing marketing campaigns, preparing reports on marketing metrics, and creating customer personas are tasks typical for which digital marketing role level? 

1 / 1 point

Strategist-level roles

Product manager-level roles

Associate-level roles

Account manager-level roles


Question 10

What are typical job responsibilities for an e-commerce analyst? Select three answers.

0.5 / 1 point

Analyze data from website or mobile app

Ensure email ads generate desired results on a website

Confirm customer interactions align with business objectives

Facilitate a website purchase

Weekly challenge 2


Question 1

How does digital marketing help companies stand out from the competition?

1 / 1 point

It increases stakeholder engagement before, during, and after a purchase.

It identifies new vendors before, during, and after a purchase.

It emails former employees before, during, and after a purchase.

It reaches potential customers before, during, and after a purchase.


Question 2

What does a successful digital marketing strategy build? 

1 / 1 point

Trust in a brand 

Confidence in a competitor’s products

More sales among one-time customers 

Low-performing products


Question 3

Consider the following scenario: 

A customer makes an online purchase. First, they discover the product. Then, they find answers to their questions, decide to make the purchase, and recommend the product to others.

What is the path called that the customer takes from finding the product to recommending it?

1 / 1 point

The company pain points

The customer journey 

The awareness tactic

The strategic marketing plan



Question 4

Fill in the blank: Digital marketers use each interaction a customer has  with a brand to create a _____, which helps them understand how and why customers interact with the brand.

1 / 1 point

product marketing summary

customer impact collage 

product impact graph

customer journey map



Question 5

Why is a marketing funnel wide at the top and narrow at the bottom?

1 / 1 point

A marketing strategy requires many different investors at the top of the funnel, but only the most generous will continue on with the company and reach the bottom.

A company needs a wide range of advertisements at the top of the funnel, but only a select few will reach potential customers at the bottom. 

Many potential customers will enter the top of the funnel, but only some of them will reach the bottom to become loyal customers. 

A company allows everyone to access their site at the top of the funnel, but only wants a small, select audience to reach the bottom to become repeat customers.



Question 6

Fill in the blank: The top of the funnel is the _____ stage, which is when a potential customer encounters a brand for the first time.

1 / 1 point







Question 7

Which outcomes take place at the top of the marketing funnel? Select two answers.

1 / 1 point



Brand loyalty

Customer conversion

Customer engagement



Question 8

Fill in the blank: It is important to _____ outcomes at each stage of the funnel because it allows a company to find out what they are doing right, what they are doing wrong, and where they could improve.

1 / 1 point







Question 9

Which of these are conversion tactics? Select all that apply.

0.4 / 1 point

Rewards programs

This should not be selected

Please review the video on the bottom part of the marketing funnel.

Follow-up emails

This should not be selected

Please review the video on the bottom part of the marketing funnel.

A smooth checkout process


A clear returns policy


Product-focused ads


Question 10

Consider the following scenario: 

Arjun is shopping online at a few different retailers. He has added items to his cart at each store. Instead of completing any of these purchases, he steps away from his computer, leaving his cart full of products.

Why is it important for online companies to measure these instances of cart abandonment?

1 / 1 point

Failing to address issues of cart abandonment will cause loyal customers to shop at other online companies.

Identifying cart abandonment metrics is the truest measure of a company’s ability to succeed  online.

Finding out where customers drop off in the checkout process can help a company improve procedures and increase conversions.

Losing conversions count against the company, resulting in loss of trust among potential customers.

Weekly challenge 3


Question 1

Which of the following best describes a brand?

0 / 1 point

How a company markets its primary asset, like a product or service

How a company communicates its values and culture

How much customers are willing to pay for a company’s products

How a company is perceived by the public


Question 2

Why is it important to know about brands and their values?

1 / 1 point

It guides marketing and sales efforts.

It improves your products.

It reduces costs.

It promotes your services.


Question 3

What does Media Mix refer to?

1 / 1 point

The combination of internal and external marketing efforts and how you divide your budget among them.

The budget you have allocated to a marketing campaign and the goals you set for the duration of the campaign.

The combination of digital channels used to reach your goals and how you divide your budget among them.

The stages of the marketing funnel and the goals you set for the duration of the campaign.


Question 4

What is a business goal?

1 / 1 point

A big, long-term aim that has the potential to affect an entire company

A tactic that improves the customer perception of a brand

A tactic that improves the impact of a business in the short-term

A small, targeted objective that is specific to outreach activities


Question 5

To support the goal of growing its customer base by 30%, an electronics business will increase its lead generation by 35% over the next six months. To generate leads, they will highlight new product features with a 10% increase in ad budget.

What type of goal is this?

1 / 1 point

Business goal

Customer service goal

Marketing goal

Product goal


Question 6

What is paid media?

1 / 1 point

Positive digital exposure generated through personal or public recommendations.

All the digital content a brand fully controls

Any form of digital promotion a brand pays to put online

Website content, blogs, and eBooks


Question 7

Which of the following applies to SEO? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Quality content is useful because it helps customers and tends to rank better in SERPs.

SEO has no disadvantages or guidelines to follow when creating an SEO strategy.

Find the keywords that are most relevant for your audience and products and make sure they’re part of your content.

Website structure does not affect SEO and the ranking of each web page.


Question 8

A social media manager decides when to post content and how often. They would like to regularly engage followers without posting too much.

Which one of the five pillars of social media marketing does this represent?

1 / 1 point

Planning and publishing

Plan of action

Paid social media

Listening to the audience

Analytics and reporting

Question 9

Which of the following describe spam? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Emails with claims that are too good to be true

Emails sent to many recipients regardless of their interests

Emails sent to a list of existing subscribers with relevant, helpful content

Unwanted emails sent out in bulk to a mass recipient list


Question 10

Imagine that a business divides their email subscriber list into smaller groups based on specific criteria. What is this process called?

1 / 1 point


Brand building

Social listening



Question 11

A business wants to follow up on a customer’s recent interactions. Which of the following could they include in an email?

1 / 1 point

Urge them to order soon

Offer them a discount for a product they didn’t order

Ask a customer to share their opinion on their recent purchases

Share information about the business’s history

Weekly challenge 4


Question 1

Which of the following are examples of data? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Year-end sales revenue

A company’s total number of social media followers

A list of sales that resulted from a touchpoint

A recommendation for images to use in social media posts


Question 2

Which of the following processes provides information about customer behaviors from measurable results of marketing campaigns that could lead to an effective launch of a new product?

1 / 1 point

Performance marketing

Data storytelling

Brand marketing

Narrative context


Question 3

In what ways do digital marketers gain insights from data? Select three answers.

0.5 / 1 point

Data reporting

Data modeling

Data analysis

Data pulling


Question 4

What is ROAS (return on ad spend)?

1 / 1 point

The average revenue generated by customers over a certain period of time

The number of ads created by a business

The process of using concrete information about customer behaviors

How much revenue is gained versus how much was spent


Question 5

Fill in the blank: The process of determining which content and channels are responsible for generating leads, conversions, or sign-ups is called _____.

1 / 1 point

data analytics

data reporting




Question 6

Which of the following are examples of attribution models? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

First-click attribution

Data-driven attribution

Channel attribution

Linear attribution


Question 7

What do marketers use to convey insights to an audience through a clear and compelling narrative?

1 / 1 point

Social media graphics

Costumes and lighting

Data storytelling



Question 8

What will help you decide which data points to use in your data story?

1 / 1 point

Understanding the questions you want to answer

Creating a complex goal

Knowing the number of people who will see your data story

Creating a narrative first


Question 9

Imagine a digital marketer is preparing a data story to share with stakeholders. The story has three components: what its insights mean, why they matter to the audience, and what the audience can do about them.

What aspect of data storytelling does this describe?

1 / 1 point


Brand marketing

Key performance indicators

Narrative context


Question 10

What is the relationship between visualizations and the narrative in data storytelling?

1 / 1 point

Visualizations detail a story about data, and the narrative provides graphical representations of that data.

Visualizations describe why specific insights should matter to an audience, and the narrative provides the raw data.

Visualizations support and clarify the main points of the narrative with graphical representations of data.

Visualizations present a collection of all the data as a graph, and the narrative provides supporting details.

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