Technical Support Fundamentals



Question 1

IT networking involves which of these? Choose all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Designing networks

Managing networks

Joining professional networks

Building networks


Question 2

You are having trouble connecting to the Internet, so you call your Service Provider for help. They need to know the permanent unique identifier address of your specific device so they can help troubleshoot it. What address are they asking for?

1 / 1 point

URL address

IP address

ISP address

MAC address


Question 3

What is a networking stack?

1 / 1 point

Radios and antennas that connect to wireless networks.

A set of hardware or software that provides networking infrastructure for a computer.

Cables containing glass fibers that move data through light.

A tool that connects lots of different devices together and helps route network traffic.


Question 4

Which protocol handles delivery of information from one network to another?

0 / 1 point






Question 5

Which one of these translates human readable words to IP addresses for the computer?

1 / 1 point






Question 6

You’re browsing the Web, and type in in the address line. Instead of the website, an error screen appears. You type in, and the Google website comes up. What’s the most likely reason for this?

1 / 1 point

There’s a problem with your Internet connection.

There’s a problem in your network’s DNS configuration.

Address line is for the IP address only, not the domain name.

Web addresses must be entered in lowercase.


Question 7

At first, what was the only kind of information that could be sent over the early internet?

1 / 1 point






Question 8

Which of these can resolve IPv4 address shortages? Choose all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Autonomous Systems

Border Gateway Protocol

Network Address Translation

Using IPv6 addresses


Question 9

Concerning IP address shortages, what is the most important difference between IPv4 and IPv6?

1 / 1 point

IPv6 addresses are simpler and therefore easier to remember than IPv4 addresses.

There are many, many more potential IPv6 addresses than IPv4 addresses.

IPv6 addresses are more secure.

It will be less expensive for a company to have multiple IPv6 addresses as compared to IPv4 addresses.


Question 10

What are some examples of IoT (Internet of Things)? Choose all that apply.

0.5 / 1 point

Thermostats that turn off the air conditioning when you leave the room

An online car dealership that can provide complete car history using the vehicle identification number

Teachers who post assignments for their students on the school website

Refrigerators that keep track of the food and notify you when to buy more

Troubleshooting Best Practices


Question 1

What is the first step to follow when troubleshooting?

1 / 1 point

Ask follow up questions to identify the problem.

Ask the user to restart the computer.

Assume a cause for the problem and try to solve the problem based on the assumption.

Tell the user that you need to keep the computer for troubleshooting.


Question 2

What is the main benefit of the “Isolating the problem” troubleshooting method?

1 / 1 point

It keeps the problem from happening again.

It helps keep the customer happy.

It helps shrink the scope of the potential issue.

It allows the user to be involved in the solution.


Question 3

When troubleshooting a problem, the main goal should always be _____

1 / 1 point

Reinstall the computer’s OS.

Asked the user to buy a new computer.

Identify the root cause.

Guess the problem based on the user’s answers.


Question 4

Which of the following characteristics is part of great customer service?

1 / 1 point

Talking in technical jargon.

Keeping quiet while working.

Acknowledging the user.

Being fast.


Question 5

Consider the following case study:

You receive a phone call from a remote user, saying they cannot connect to the company server. The user is in a rush and is frustrated. You take the call and start your interaction with the user. The user, having some computer knowledge, tells you what steps they perform to try to solve the problem. In order to find the root cause, you need to re-try some of the same steps the user performed. Which of the following is the best way to communicate with the user the steps you want to perform?

1 / 1 point

Saying, “Sorry for inconveniencing you, I know that you already did some of these steps, but in order to find the root cause, I will need you to perform some of them again.”

Saying, “Let us start working on your problem. Please do the following steps.”

Acknowledging the steps the user did and go radio silence while you evaluate the problem.

Telling the user you can not trust what they have done and need to start your own troubleshooting.


Question 6

What are the main ways we document information in the IT industry?

0 / 1 point

Emails to users

Procedures and policies

Ticketing or bug systems

Chat rooms


Question 7

Why is it important to document IT issues/problems?

1 / 1 point

To save you time, your company time, and your users time.

It helps you audit your steps in case you need to go back and see what you did

To keep track of your time.

Because it is a requirement of the company.


Question 8

Why is it important to spend extra time investigating the issue?

1 / 1 point

To bill more time.

To find the root cause of the problem.

To fix small holes.

To make the customer happy.


Question 9

What is troubleshooting?

1 / 1 point

The ability to diagnose and resolve a problem.

Using different methods to help the customer.

Finding the root cause of a problem.

Asking questions.


Question 10

Scenario: The help desk receives a call from a customer\user with the problem, “My laptop is not turning on.” Select the best ticket documentation.

1 / 1 point

Issue solved.

After asking the user when was the last time they charged the laptop, it was found the laptop had not been charged in four days. I asked the user to plug-in the laptop to a power outlet and wait at least 5 minutes and try again. The laptop is working fine.

Laptop not working. Working now.

The user connected the laptop to the power supply.

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