Share Data Through the Art of Visualization

Weekly challenge 1


Question 1

A data analyst creates a histogram to share in a presentation. What are histograms used to demonstrate?

1 / 1 point

How two or more values contrast and compare

How data has changed over time

How often data values fall into certain ranges

How much each part of something makes up the whole


Question 2

A data analyst is creating a chart for a presentation. The data they will display shows a correlation between variables. Why should they be careful when presenting their chart to an audience?

1 / 1 point

Correlation can only be represented in bar charts.

Correlation causes accessibility issues.

Correlation can be misunderstood as causation.

Correlation should be avoided in charts.


Question 3

Fill in the blank: A data analyst creates a presentation for stakeholders. They include _____ visualizations because the analyst wants the presentations to be interactive and automatically change over time.

1 / 1 point






Question 4

Sophisticated use of contrast helps separate the most important data from the rest using the visual context that our brains naturally respond to.

1 / 1 point




Question 5

When using design thinking, what group of people should you think about the most?

1 / 1 point

Your users

The shareholders

Your team

The general public


Question 6

During which phase of the design process do you start to generate data visualization ideas?

1 / 1 point






Question 7

Fill in the blank: A data analyst can make their visualizations more accessible by adding _____, which are text explanations placed directly on the visualizations.

1 / 1 point






Question 8

A data analyst is making their data visualization more accessible. They separate the background and the foreground of the visualization using bright, contrasting colors. What does this describe?

1 / 1 point

Text-based format

Text alternatives



Weekly challenge 2 


Question 1

Tableau is used to create interactive and dynamic visualizations. A visualization is interactive when the audience can control what data they see. What does it mean for a visualization to be dynamic?

1 / 1 point

The visualization can include audio

The visualization can change over time.

The visualization cannot be altered

The visualization can be downloaded


Question 2

A data analyst uses the Color tool in Tableau to apply a color scheme to a data visualization. Why do they make sure the color scheme has contrast?

1 / 1 point

To make the visualization accessible for people with color vision deficiencies

To make the visualization more stylish for users to enjoy

To make the visualization uniform

To make the visualization more elaborate


Question 3

A data analyst is working with the World Happiness data in Tableau. They are only interested in the region of southeast Asia and use the lasso tool to select these countries. What filter can they apply to the selection so that the visualization’s color scheme is only applied to those countries?

1 / 1 point



Keep only



Question 4

You are working with the World Happiness data in Tableau. You use the pan tool on the country of Japan. What is the result?

1 / 1 point

It filters Japan so it cannot be seen.

It changes your point of view to Japan.

It applies the current color scheme to Japan.

It selects Japan.


Question 5

Fill in the blank: A data analyst is working with the World Happiness data in Tableau. They use the _____ tool on the Marks shelf to display the population of each country on the map.

0 / 1 point






Question 6

A data analyst is giving a presentation with the World Happiness data in Tableau. Their insights focus only on those countries with a happiness score greater than 4.5. What tool can they use to show only those countries while hiding the rest?

1 / 1 point






Question 7

What does the eye icon do in Tableau public?

1 / 1 point

It allows you to view Tableau’s options.

It generates a new copy of your visualization.

It hides your visualization from other users.

It saves your visualization.


Question 8

What is the primary purpose of using a diverging palette in your Tableau visualizations? Select two answers.

0.75 / 1 point

The style of the visualization may look more appealing to the audience.

It makes it easy to identify the range of each data point.

The relative magnitudes of the data values can be readily seen.

It reduces the contrast helping those with visual impairments.

Weekly challenge 3


Question 1

What three key components are required in a data storytelling narrative?

0 / 1 point

Measurement, data, and analysis

Spotlighting, setting, and takeaways

Stakeholders, analysts, and customers

Beginning, middle, and end


Question 2

You are preparing to communicate to an audience about an analysis project. You know that audience engagement is a crucial part of getting them to listen to what you have to say. You compile a list of the insights from your work and review it to identify both the key takeaways and the details that are less relevant. What process does this describe?

1 / 1 point






Question 3

Fill in the blank: An important part of dashboard design is the placement of charts, graphs, and other visual elements. They should be _____, which means that they are balanced and make good use of available space.

1 / 1 point






Question 4

Fill in the blank: In Tableau, _____ items create a single-layer grid that contains no overlapping elements.

1 / 1 point






Question 5

Fill in the blank: When a data analyst notices a data point that is very different from the norm in a scatterplot, the best course of action is to _____ the outlier.

1 / 1 point






Question 6

A data analyst creates a dashboard in Tableau to share with stakeholders. They want to save stakeholders time and direct them to the most important data points. To achieve these goals, they can pre-filter the dashboard.

1 / 1 point




Question 7

Fill in the blank: An effective slideshow guides your audience through your main communication points, but it does not repeat every word you say. A best practice is to keep text to fewer than five lines and _____ words per slide.

1 / 1 point






Question 8

You want to include a visual in your slideshow that will update automatically when its original source file updates. Which of the following actions will enable you to do so?

1 / 1 point

Copy and paste the visual into the presentation

Embed the visual into the presentation

Link the original visual within the presentation

Take a screenshot of the visual and paste it into the presentation

Weekly challenge 4


Question 1

A purchaser at your company wants to optimize the price they will pay to order office supplies for the coming year. Which of the following is a good initial hypothesis to test in order to help the purchaser optimize their spending? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Office supply prices increase seasonally.

The budget for office supplies should increase.

Office supply prices remain the same throughout the year.

The budget for office supplies can remain the same.


Question 2

According to the McCandless Method, what is the most effective way to finish presenting data to an audience?

1 / 1 point

Answer any obvious questions before they’re asked

Tell your audience why it matters

Call out data to support your insights

State the insight of your graphic


Question 3

You are getting ready to give the biggest presentation of your career. Which of the following methods might help you prepare to give the presentation? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Write a script and repeat it in your head

Hold a dress rehearsal at the presentation location

Visualize giving the presentation

Avoid thinking about the presentation


Question 4

You are giving a presentation to the leadership of a local community organization. How can you effectively communicate your findings to them?

1 / 1 point

Focus on what the audience needs to hear

Focus on what you found interesting

Focus on specific technical details of your analysis

Focus on speaking without any pauses


Question 5

You run a colleague test on your presentation before getting in front of an audience. Your coworker asks a question about a section of your analysis, but addressing their concern would mean adding information you didn’t plan to include. How should you proceed with building your presentation? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Expand your presentation by including the information

Leave the presentation as-is

Keep the concern in mind and anticipate that stakeholders may ask the same question

Remove the section of the analysis that prompted the question

You didn’t select all the correct answers


Question 6

During a presentation, one of your stakeholders expresses concern that you did not control for differences in the data. Which kind of objection are they making?

0 / 1 point

Presentation Skills





Question 7

You are presenting to your stakeholders an analysis of your company’s latest quarter earnings. Your stakeholders express concern that your projections for next quarter are lower than expected. What are appropriate ways to respond to these objections? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Take steps to investigate your analysis question further

Repeat the steps you took

Explain why you think the discrepancies exist

Communicate the assumptions you made in your approach

You didn’t select all the correct answers


Question 8

After a presentation one of your peers points out that you were unable to answer audience questions very well. Which step can you take to improve your question answering?

1 / 1 point

Repeat questions to ensure you understood

Focus your responses on people that ask questions instead of the whole audience

Answer questions immediately with highly detailed answers

Start thinking of answers during the question

Course challenge


Question 1

Scenario 1, questions 1-9

You have been working as a junior data analyst at Bowling Green Business Intelligence for nearly a year. Your supervisor, Kate, tells you that she believes you are ready for more responsibility. She asks you to lead an upcoming client presentation. You will be responsible for creating the data story, identifying the right tools to use, building the slideshow, and delivering the presentation to stakeholders.

Your client is Gaea, an automotive manufacturer that makes eco-friendly electric cars. For the past year, you have been working with the data team in Gaea’s Bowling Green, Kentucky, headquarters. For the presentation, you will engage the data team, as well as its regional sales representatives and distributors. Your presentation will inform their business strategy for the next three-to-five years.

You begin by getting together with your team to discuss the data story you want to tell. You know the first step in data storytelling is to engage your audience. 

You use spotlighting to help you identify the most important insights. Which of the following activities are involved with spotlighting? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Noticing repeated words or numbers

Identifying connections or patterns

Determining the data’s partiality

Finding ideas or concepts that keep arising


Question 2

Scenario 1, continued

Your team’s analysis has revealed three key insights:

  1. Electric vehicle sales demand is expected to grow by more than 400% by 2025.
  2. The number of publicly available vehicle charging stations is a significant factor in consumer buying decisions. Currently, there are many locations with so few charging stations that electric car owners would run out of power when traveling between stations. 
  3. Vehicle battery range is also a significant factor for consumers. In 2020, the average battery range was 210 miles. However, the vast majority of survey respondents report they will not buy an electric car until the battery range is at least 300 miles per charge.

Fill in the blank: Based on these insights, you create a clear and direct _____, which will guide your data story.

1 / 1 point

specific question


business case

primary message


Question 3

Scenario 1, continued

Next, you decide on your data narrative’s characters, setting, plot, big reveal, and aha moment. The characters are the people affected by your story. This includes your stakeholders, Gaea’s customers, and Gaea’s potential future customers. For the setting, you describe the current situation, potential tasks, and background information about the analysis project.

As you begin to work on the plot for the data narrative, which of the following ideas would you include? Select all that apply.

0.5 / 1 point

Why it’s important for Gaea to increase its cars’ battery range by 2025

A list of your recommendations and details about why they will help Gaea be successful

The challenges associated with the current lack of vehicle charging stations

How your data analysis can help Gaea solve its business problems


Question 4

Scenario 1, continued

Now, it’s time to consider which tools to use to create data visualizations that will clearly communicate the results of your analysis. You and your team decide to make both spreadsheet charts and Tableau data visualizations. In addition, you agree to build a dashboard to share live, incoming data with your stakeholders.  This will help them achieve the following goals:

  • Organize multiple datasets about electric vehicle battery ranges into a central location
  • Enable tracking and analysis of electric vehicle data
  • Simplify data visualizations about the number of available charging stations using maps of the different geographies 

Another key benefit of dashboards is that they enable you to maintain control of your data narrative.

0 / 1 point




Question 5

Scenario 1, continued

Now that you have finished planning the data story with your team, it’s time to create data visualizations. First, you consider electric vehicle sales worldwide in 2015 compared to 2020. You use a spreadsheet to create the following bar graph to compare the two values:

A bar graph representing electric vehicle sales worldwide in 2015 compared to 2020. There are no x-axis or y-axis labels.

You want to add labels so the graph is easier to interpret. Where on the graph do you label the time periods?

1 / 1 point

The x-axis

The y-axis

The vertical bars

The colors


Question 6

Scenario 1, continued

Next, you explore how access to public car-charging stations is influencing electric vehicle purchases. As your analysis has revealed, there are many areas without enough places for people to plug in and charge their cars. This lack of charging stations has a negative impact on demand for electric cars and overall vehicle sales. 

You use Tableau to create the following draft of a visualization, which organizes the charging station data geographically:

The visualization represents the United States map, each state is a different color. The text is blurry and colors are faded

After reviewing your draft, you realize that it could be improved. What steps do you take to make your map more effective? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Make the intensity of the colors stronger

Choose darker values

Select more varied hues

Add more space between each state


Question 7

Scenario 1, continued

Now, you want to highlight what your team’s analysis discovered about the number of charging stations available compared to the number of cars purchased. Your data has confirmed that the lack of charging stations causes the effect of fewer car sales. To communicate this effectively, you will need to convey causation to the stakeholders.

You explain that causation is the measure of the degree to which two variables move in relationship to each other.

1 / 1 point




Question 8

Scenario 1, continued

Once you finish creating data visualizations about the current state of the electric vehicle market, you turn to projections for the future. You want to communicate to stakeholders about the importance of longer vehicle battery range to consumers.

Your team’s data includes feedback from a consumer survey that investigated the importance of longer battery when choosing whether to purchase an electric car. The current average battery range is about 210 miles. By 2025, that distance is expected to grow to 450 miles per charge.

You create the following pie chart:

A circular chart of survey responses of miles per charge it would take surveyors to purchase an electric vehicle.

Fill in the blank: After reviewing your pie chart, you realize that it could be improved. You resize the _____ so they visually show the different values.

1 / 1 point






Question 9

Scenario 1, continued

It’s time to build your Tableau dashboard for stakeholders. You consider what type of layout to use. 

You decide that you want to be able to adjust the height of the views and the data visualizations about electric vehicle sales, charging stations, and battery range. Which type of layout will enable you to do that?

1 / 1 point

Diagonal layout

Vertical layout

Circular layout

Horizontal layout


Question 10

Scenario 2, questions 10-15

You have created your narrative and visuals, so now it’s time to build a professional and appealing slideshow. You choose a theme that matches the tone of your presentation. Then, you create a title slide with a title, subtitle, and the date. 

Next, you create the following slide that compares electric vehicle sales in 2015 and 2020:

Slides with bar chart of vehicle sales from 2015 and 2022. There are long descriptions at bottom of slide and next to chart.

Alt-text: Slideshow with bar chart of electric vehicle sales from 2015 and 2022. 2022 had higher sales. There are also multiple sentences at the bottom of the slide and another piece of descriptive text near the chart.

After reviewing your slide, you realize that it could be improved. What steps do you take to make the two text boxes beneath the header more effective? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Edit the text to fewer than 25 words total

Ensure the text does not simply repeat the words you plan to say

Edit the text to fewer than five lines total

Use abbreviations to reduce the amount of text


Question 11

Scenario 2, continued

You then create the following slide to demonstrate the challenges associated with battery range and charging stations:

Slideshow of a pie chart and United States map to demonstrate the challenges of car battery range and charging stations.

After reviewing your slide, you realize that the visual elements could be improved. A good solution would be for you to choose one data visualization to share on this slide, then create another slide for the second data visualization.

1 / 1 point




Question 12

Scenario 2, continued

You complete your slideshow and share it with your team. Once it is approved by your supervisor, you begin preparing to give your presentation. You consider maintaining good posture, being aware of nervous habits, and making eye contact. In addition, you think about how you will speak.

What strategies can help you speak effectively? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Keeping the pitch of your sentences level so that your statements are not confused for questions

Building in intentional pauses to give your audience time to think about what you have just said

Using short words and sentences

Speaking quickly so you are sure to have time to include all important data points

You didn’t select all the correct answers


Question 13

Scenario 2, continued

Next, you prepare for the question-and-answer session that will follow your presentation. What methods help you consider any limitations of your data? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Critically analyze the correlations

Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the tools

Look at the context

Eliminate the outliers


Question 14

Scenario 2, continued

Now that you have some idea of the questions the stakeholders will ask, you and a team member consider different objections that might arise. 

Your team member asks you how you will respond if someone from Gaea questions your data-cleaning process. How do you prepare for this objection? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Practice answering questions about your data-cleaning process

Be prepared to explain why data cleaning is not relevant at this stage of the project

Keep a detailed log of your data-cleaning process

Add your data-cleaning log to the slideshow appendix


Question 15

Scenario 2, continued

The big day has arrived, and you finish your presentation to the Gaea team. In the question-and-answer session, a stakeholder asks you a very detailed question about a car battery range project that’s still in development.

What strategies do you use in order to respond effectively? Select all that apply.

0.5 / 1 point

Give yourself extra time by planning your thoughtful response when the stakeholder begins speaking

Be certain that you understand the context of the question that the stakeholder is asking

Keep your response short and to the point, then add detail if there are follow-up questions

Involve the whole audience when you respond to the stakeholder

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